

Traditional Peruvian Women, Arequipa, Peru, 2016


Buskers in Grafton Street, Dublin, Ireland, 2013


Guiness for Strenth Dunderry for Madness
Church Fair Participants, Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, 2012


Youths, Khayelitsha, Cape Town
Youths, Khayelitsha, Cape Town, South Africa, 2009


Guitar Player, Waterfront, Cape Town,
Guitar Player, Waterfront, Cape Town, South Africa, 2008


Habanero, Old Havana, Cuba
Habanero, Habana Vieja, Cuba, 2007


Tobacco Farmer, Viñales Valley, Cuba, January 2007
Tobacco Farmer, Viñales Valley, Cuba, January 2007


Fortune Teller Marketer
“Michelle Fortune Teller”, Dublin, Ireland, 2006


Cyclists in Heroes Square, Budapest, 2005
Cyclists on Heroes Square, Budapest, Hungary, 2005


Polish Traditional Busker, Krakow, Poland
Polish Traditional Busker, Krakow, Poland, 2005


Special Guest, Dame Street, Dublin, 2003
“Special Guest”, Dame Street, Dublin, 2003


White Horse, Inis Mór, Aran Islands, 2003
White Horse, Inis Mór, Aran Islands, 2003


East Jerusalem Resident, Israel, 2002
East Jerusalem Resident, Israel, 2002


"Hairy Coo" Farmers, Scotland, December 1997
“Hairy Coo” Farmers, Scotland, December 1997


Swedish Kibbutz Volunteers, Central Israel, 1995


Handler and Horse, Giza, Egypt, 1995

All photographs by Jean-Jacques Montagnier

Copyright © 2007 – 2015.  All Rights Reserved /


  1. I love the first one, and of course “Michelle fortune teller” still makes me grin, but my all time favourite is still the Polosh guy.

    There are so many Poles in our area now that they have their own newspaper and shops. I like it actually. 🙂 My dad works with Poles who (wait for this!!) make poles! He’s at the nearby sawmill and about half the staff are Polish. Nice bunch of guys, terrible language.

  2. 🙂 Hehehe! Poles who make poles – priceless! I’ve been to Poland twice and I love the country – also have several Polish friends in Ireland – as you said, the language is more than a slight challenge… lots of c,h,p,z,w,k, & y’s next to each other… Mmmm maybe I should go there and teach English as a foreign language…

  3. I think your photos are good enough to sell, and you should, to fund more travelling 🙂 Hence more photography 🙂

    I particularly like the “special guest” photo. That’s fantastic.

  4. Hey, thanks for the comp Jean! Yeah, that’s my fave picture too. It was taken at a demonstration in Dublin in 2003. What I like about it is that you can also just about make out the blurry message on the sign in the background.

    I like your thinking regarding more travel 🙂 Next time I’m taking a quality digital SLR camera which I’m saving up for at the moment – nowadays images need to be larger than 8 mega pixels to sell on-line.

    All the pics above, bar the 3 at the top were originally taken with film camera’s. I have the negatives which might be good for enlargements and prints, posters even, but I’m not too sure what the market is like for that.

    I’ll tell you this much though, I am SO itching to get out there again. To take photos is at least 50% of the reason why I travel 🙂

  5. These photos are simply FABULOUS. The quality of the photos is superb plus they are injected with something more, your perspective. The results are sublime.

  6. Well done! Great site!
    Many Thanks and keep traveling and shotting!
    I enjoyed immensely!

  7. Dennis Harwood Reply

    Jacques, You have a great eye for what makes a composition. I enjoyed every photo and would love to see more. Self-publishing is so accessible now that one day you must consider this if only for your own vanity and the joy of your friends.

  8. Appreciate your feedback, Dennis. I aim to get more of my pictures up on a photography gallery style blog/site at some point. You are right about self-publishing – really fantastic.

    There’s more of my photographs on my other blog. I haven’t updated for quite some time, but you will see some photographs from Hungary, Russia, Ireland (Cork), Switzerland & South Africa there. I still need to add Cuba (2007) and more of SA.

    Thanks for visiting!

  9. Interesting! You seem drawn to places of conflict, where raw edges define life. Jung, Mandela, espresso, philosophy – a heady brew! And thanks for the follow, too – I appreciate it.

    • Thanks for commenting! Yes, I’m drawn to edgy places and challenging mind spaces… an explorer of both. It keeps me going – and espresso helps as a booster. It’s always a privilege to hear when others enjoy reading about and are able to appreciate our experiences, so thank you.

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