Newgrange Entrance
Entrance to Newgrange – Co. Meath, Ireland.
Newgrange Megalithic Rock Art - Entrance Stone
Rock Art at Newgrange
Close up of Neolithic rock art on the entrance stone at Newgrange
Circles and Spirals.

Neolithic rock art at Newgrange, Co. Meath, Ireland (11.02.2012)
Photographed by Jean-Jacques Montagnier

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Related Post on Gypsy Café:

Megalithic Circles and Spirals


Explorer, Philosopher, Photographer


  1. Thanks Michelle. It was an overcast day, so light wasn’t the best, but the picture came out alright, I think. I took more shots with my SLR which I still need to develop. It’s an impressive site and Newgrange is one amongst similar ones in the region. Hope to get out there again in summer to visit the others.

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