Darkness Before Dawn (Part 1-E) – The Lights Along the Way Note: This Chapter was first published at EnergyShifts.net The Seasons of the Yuga…
Few people expected so much turmoil to arrive so suddenly in 2020, whereas if it happened just after 2012 it might have been less surprising. However, it always takes a while for shifts to build momentum, and the larger the shift, the longer the delay. It would seem, though, that the real shift is now finally underway.
The Maya creation myth depicts a battle between the forces of dark and light in the story of the Hero Twins, two brothers who are summoned by the Lords of Xibalba for a ballgame with them in the underworld. What follows is a classic and rich example of The Hero’s Journey.
The objective is to identify patterns of events that occur whenever a particular katun is active. Through this method, what typically happens during a katun becomes sufficiently clear to make predictions for what would or could happen when that katun is active again in the future.
How can we deal with the pressing problems facing the world today in the midst of so much polarisation and why is there so much polarisation in the first place? Answers to these question are more accessible when taking a metaphysical view while keeping an open mind is also essential.
Higher Bodies of Water Just over a year ago, on April 16, 2019, I visited the port city of Puno on the shores of…
Group participation or affiliation is not required to experience a deep sense of unity that stems from understanding that we all suffer from the human condition. We are all in the same boat together here on planet Earth as human souls residing in physical human bodies.
Darkness Before Dawn (Part 5) – The Lighthouses That Make a Difference (UPDATED) In this 6-part series, we are exploring the purpose of polarity…
In June of this year while visiting Iguazu Falls in Misiones Province in Northern Argentina, I decided to do a side-trip to a recommended…
Darkness Before Dawn (Part 3) – A Heart Monitor (UPDATED) In this 6-part series, we are exploring the purpose of polarity and the nature…
Darkness Before Dawn (Part 2) – An Incubator for the Soul (UPDATED) In this 6-part series, we are exploring the purpose of polarity and…
(1) Iguazú National Park – Argentina June 14, 2019 Gallery *** (2) Iguaçu National Park – Brazil June 15, 2019 Gallery *** All photographs…
Unity in Diversity vs. Disunity in Ideologies (UPDATED) Introduction Ethnocentrism: Evaluation of other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the standards and customs of…
‘All in a Days Trip’ On Sunday the 14th of April, a day after I arrived in Cusco on the weekend before Easter, I…