Street art is big in Montevideo, with interesting styles. Here are a couple of examples which I took pictures of recently in one of the older neighborhoods, Cordón. – Jean-Jacques Murals, Montevideo, Uruguay, March 2015 Photographed by Jean-Jacques M. Copyright © 2015. All Rights Reserved.…

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Hogsback “Hogsback is a magical world of mountains and forests. It is situated high up on the Amathole mountains of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, and is surrounded by centuries-old indigenous Afro-montane forests.” Quoted from: Hogsback in a Nutshell – Read More…

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* We are in the Liminal Space A Dangerous Place Where predators lay and tricksters play Where good people pray then look away … “Though shalt not enter the fray” Bless the lambs that are slain It is not our pain They are weak We…

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Pechory Monastery, Pskov Region, Russia, 2006. We were told on arrival not to address the monks directly, not to stare at them or attempt to take photographs of them under any circumstances. Along with a few local pilgrims, our small group had already been waiting…

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Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. – Mohandas Gandhi Happiness belongs to those who are sufficient unto themselves. For all external sources of happiness and pleasure are, by their very nature, highly uncertain, precarious, ephemeral…

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  You have to return eventually, To see everything differently. To see what you see differently. And how you see it differently. Due to having gone away. Old points of reference Faded through absence Return to conscience And highlights the essence Of what you have…

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The long term traveler makes short term investments in short to medium term experiences. During the investment period, short term loss of income may occur, but the long term profits are immeasurable and immense. Even the shortest experiences yield high returns of knowledge and continuously…

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The ability to think freely could prove to be more important than a high level of intelligence. There is apparently more than one type of natural IQ, although conventionally only one type is measured. Others are emotional intelligence, social intelligence and spiritual intelligence. There may…

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 The Road to Travelosophy The word traveller covers a broad spectrum of people on the move. Most people associate the word with short-term travellers, as in tourists or backpackers. Certain types of travellers would fall into a more long-term category. They would practice travel as…

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