Copán Maya Ruins, Honduras, Central America

“Archaeologists believe that the Maya culture in Copán collapsed because the land could no longer support it. As the valley of the population grew, so did the need for wood, cooking and construction. Deforestation caused the valley to heat up. The heat caused draught and crop failure. The hunger and disease that resulted created political and social unrest that lead to the downfall of this great civilisation.”

– Copán Nature Trail 

[click to view slides]

“Nature’s resources and magic were at the centre of Maya life. At the same time, it was misuse of nature that paved an important role in the collapse of the civilisation. Today, we can ask ourselves what we have learned from the Maya and what message we shall leave for our grandchildren’s grandchildren.”

– Copán Nature Trail


Maya Sites Discovery – September 2015
Photography by Jean-Jacques M
Quotes from nature trail signboards at Copán
Copyright © 2015 – All Rights Reserved – Gypsy Café


Explorer, Philosopher, Photographer


  1. Much gratitude for shared thoughts and images. Are you familiar with the Myth that the Mayan Calendar was presented to the people at a sacred site in Oaxaca, MX? I so long to stand in these places one day.

    • Hi Debra. In fact I’m not familiar with that particular Myth, but thank you for bringing it to my attention – oh, wait – in fact I think I have come across references to it – and while I was planning my trip to central America I had a look to see where Oaxaca was exactly. I think if you are really drawn to these places the Universe will find a way to guide you there..

  2. Sean Caulfield Reply

    Hi Jean-Jacques, lovely place it looks like, thanks for sharing, it gives me the feeling of Tikal when I was there 5 years ago, so much hidden sacredness… cheers Sean

    • Hi Sean – thank you – yes, very well said about hidden sacredness… I would be interested in hearing about your visit to Tikal a few years ago – would like to share notes when we catch up again. Cheers, J.J.

  3. The picture of the wall/temple with the tree remind me a little bit on Cambodia. Maybe I will go next year to the MAYA temples in Mexico.

    • Hello Elizabeth, thank you for your comment! That picture is my absolute favourite. I would love to go to Cambodia – it is high on my to-visit list. I have not visited the MAYA temples in Mexico (yet) as I visited the temples in Honduras, Beliza and Guatemala, but my understanding is that they are fabulous! If you go, enjoy your trip!
      – J.J.

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