[download-attachment id=”9043″ title=”Open/Save PDF”] Humanity at the Crossroads (Part 2) – The Cyclic Reordering of Civilizations ** These essays are written for individuals who…
Navigating the Greatest Shift: 2022 to 2032 (Part 1) – Raising Consciousness Through Truth Note: This series follows on from the Darkness Before Dawn…
Few people expected so much turmoil to arrive so suddenly in 2020, whereas if it happened just after 2012 it might have been less surprising. However, it always takes a while for shifts to build momentum, and the larger the shift, the longer the delay. It would seem, though, that the real shift is now finally underway.
The Maya creation myth depicts a battle between the forces of dark and light in the story of the Hero Twins, two brothers who are summoned by the Lords of Xibalba for a ballgame with them in the underworld. What follows is a classic and rich example of The Hero’s Journey.
The objective is to identify patterns of events that occur whenever a particular katun is active. Through this method, what typically happens during a katun becomes sufficiently clear to make predictions for what would or could happen when that katun is active again in the future.
After Dark So-called “dark ages” are not only dark; they are also light. Although we tend to view dark ages with some trepidation or,…
** *For background on the Mayan Fifth World and the Fifth Element, please see: The Maya World Tree Introduction The first five years of…
*For background on the Mayan Fifth World and the Fifth Element, please see: The Maya World Tree Mayan Mythology and Symbolism The Mayan Calendar…
*For background on the Mayan Fifth World and the Fifth Element, please see: The Maya World Tree The Fifth World Where we have…
*For background on the Mayan Fifth World and the Fifth Element, please see: The Maya World Tree ** Introduction The Fifth Element Five years…
Folklore has the purpose of educating us about the real world as we grow up. It helps children become aware of archetypes in…